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Hotfix 2.1.1

Hotfix for v.2.1.1 is now available and ready to download for everyone!

A list of fixes:
‧ Fixed issues with invisible barriers in several places.
‧ Fixed issue with taking out items from the backpack and vehicles while staying on the street.
‧ Fixed issue with disappearing cars in the Stationary Press.
‧ Fixed issue with resetting customized keys to the Default.
‧ A few changes for a keybinding for vehicles after choosing the [Default] configuration.
‧ Fixed an issue with the lack of possibility to keybinding Vehicles in control settings.
‧ Fixed an issue with not getting the upgraded pickup despite the purchase.
‧ Fixed an issue with small objects passing through the cart in the Pawnshop.
‧ Visibility improvement for purchased upgrades in the Character Upgrades window.

Also, you can see the progress in textures loading for some of the PC configurations. That fix will continue to roll out.

Thank you for your support! Your feedback on the forum, emails and direct messages are super-valuable to us. We can improve the game faster with your help!

Don’t forget to let us know what you think about latest patch and hotfixes.

Adrian Kubasiak on November 16, 2022

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