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Junkyard Simulator Hotfix Part 1

A list of fixes on the reported issues:

‧ Fixed issue with AZERTY. All the players that had to change their settings in the Control Panel can go back to default settings.
‧ Fixed issue with a blocker at Quest 7 (fast travel) – 5/10
‧ Fixed issue with a mouse cursor that was leaving a game screen
‧ Location patch for missing translations (Korean)
‧ Location patch for Achievements (English)
‧ Russian players got a new, more readable font
‧ Fixed stuck-spot in the house next to the yellow car
‧ Fixed stuck-spot at the Scrap Market, between rusty barrels and the wall
‧ Fixed issue with collecting cash in the Motel
‧ Fixed an issue allowing players to jump behind the kitchenette (room in the Motel)
‧ Fixed an issue where a player could block a possibility of moving by using a specific WASD keys

We’re sorry for the problems above. We do our best to fix all kinds of bugs, and we’ll do it systematically.
You can expect from us frequent fixes and patches until the game gets positive ratings.

Adrian Kubasiak on October 15, 2021

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