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Junkyard Simulator Hotfix Part 4

The 4th part of the hotfix is now available

‧ Fixed issue with Junky Quest 13 (subquest 7 of 8). Now all the stages are accurately counted.
‧ Fixed issue with the AZERTY keyboard. This time we repaired the camera control key [7] the Crusher.
‧ Fixed issue with camera control key [é] for Czech players
‧ Crouching – according to your suggestion, we improved the blocking of pressing the button repeatedly.
‧ Fixed issue with transported car disappearing from Mini Crusher area.
‧ Fixed issue with Junky Quest 23.

Additionally, we’re working on game optimization. You can expect effects in the next 10-15 days. We’re updating the game regularly. If you’re not pleased with Junkyard Simulator today, give us a bit more time to see the progress.

Adrian Kubasiak on October 27, 2021

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